Bjerke Brothers, Inc. has designed and supplied more than 1,500 grain, seed, pulse and edible dry bean processing systems for customers across the USA.
Fully integrated systems, some involving up to 25 different machines, have been put in place for some 100 grain elevators/terminals, with capacities up to 280 metric tons/hour.
Our customer list includes a wide variety of companies across the grain, seed, food and feed industries. The following are some of the companies for whom we have been privileged to provide systems:
AM Bean Co.
Cargill Grain
Cenex Harvest States
Columbia Grain
Coop Elevator Companies
Crookston Bean Co.
Dahlgren and Company
Dick Seed Farm
Engstrom Bean and Seed
Fessenden Coop
Froedtert Malt
General Mills
Great Northern Ag
James Richardson
Kelley Bros. Bean Co.
Klindworth Seed and Bean Co.
Larson Grain
O’Toole Seed Farm
Peavey Company
Pioneer Grain
Pro Seed
SK Food Intl.
South Dakota Wheat Growers
SRS Comm
Star of the West
Stony Ridge Foods
Sun Opta
Thompsons Farmers Finest
Trinidad Benham
Walhalla Bean Co.